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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Milk. Does a Body Good?

     By Cary Bryson

     My son was diagnosed with acute asthma around the age of six months.  Asthma does not run on either side of our family, nor do we smoke.  My son's asthma attacks progressively worsened, from 1 per month to 3-4 per month.  Chronic wheezing and coughing lingered between the attacks as well.  Around the age of six months I relinquished breastfeeding and introduced him to cow's milk.

     From the time we are able to talk, most of us were told to "drink your milk".  The calcium in cow's milk will make your bones strong and your teeth healthy.  We are taught that the only way to get a sufficient amount of calcium is to drink at least two 8 ounce glasses a day.  Yet, humans are the only mammals that drink the milk of the other species.
     Dairy, such as cow's milk and cheese are sometimes called mucus-forming dairy foods.  These common foods can worsen all respiratory conditions and even clog lungs.  When more mucus builds up in the lungs than can be expelled, asthma attacks develop.  Just recently, doctors and researchers feel that undiagnosed milk allergies may have a strong relationship between milk and asthma.

     Milk is one of the two or three most common food allergens.  Half of school-aged children may be allergic to milk without knowing.  Not all reactions to cow's milk are serious.  Most allergies can manifest various ways and can change over time.  Some children may develop severe acne as a teen, which means the allergy moved into a different organ.  Therefore, misleading patients and doctors into thinking the allergy has been outgrown.  Milk allergies may even manifest into eczema, bronchitis, sinusitis, autoimmune disorders, ear infections, frequent colds, chronic runny nose, and sometimes behavioral problems.

     The allergy is not from the cow's milk itself, it is from the antibiotics (penicillin) given to cows to help treat mastitis.  My daughter was diagnosed with 6 or more ear infections in one year before the age of 3 and she frequently complained of a belly ache.  Her treatment for the ear infections was penicillin.  Within 12 hours she was in the hospital due to an allergic reaction to the penicillin.

     I switched pediatricians and he suggested that I limit the amount of milk for my children and eventually eliminate it completely.  At first, I though he was fishing for solutions, but after a few weeks without cow's milk, I was convinced.  My son's asthma attacks went down to 1 per month and the coughing and wheezing subsided.  My daughter also had less ear infections nor did she complain of stomach aches.

     I tried a lot of milk substitutes.  Goats milk, soy milk, hemp milk, coconut milk, and organic milk.  Most come in chocolate and vanilla flavors.  I was concerned about the loss of calcium so I increased our intake of greens by using broccoli and spinach in just about everything.  My son has not had an asthma attack in almost two years and my daughter has had a couple of ear infections in 3 years.  I even stop using dairy for a few weeks when we have the common cold and it shortens the sickness.

     If you or someone you know is suffering from any of the symptoms I talked about, experiment with emliminating cow's milk temporarily or completely.  Give it a try!  You may be surprised with the results.




  1. Cary I never really thought about how milk can cause such a vast amount of side effects. I do not drink it either do to having asthma and it help a lot. I had the same issue with oranges having antibiotics on them and had a sever reaction and ended up on a vent. I think that antibiotics shouldn't be add to the food chain.
    Don Findley

  2. Cary,

    Nice job on this. It is very informative. I too have a dairy allergy so I can relate. In fact, I will be touching on this in one of my blogs as well. I hope things continue to get better for your kids and am excited to read more from you.

    Samantha Cribbs

  3. Cary
    I have been buying soymilk now for several years and I think I like it better than cows milk . It also stays fresh longer in the refrigator;it costs a little more but it is worth it.

    Ruth Hall

  4. That was really interesting. I had no idea that milk could have so many side effects from the things added to it. I myself do not drink a lot of milk and my brother is lacose intolerant. You have a lot of good information here. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    Kendra McCracken

  5. That was a very informative blog. I do buy organic milk, but I did not think of the cheese aspect with the antibiobics. I have a daughter who constantly has a with runny nose and "asthma like" symptoms. I am going to try switching. Thank you for the information
    Christina Chinchock

  6. Thank you everyone for your comments and interest in my subject. I did forget to mention about icecream though. Who doesn't like icecream especially little ones? There are options though: soy, italian ice, sorbet, gelato.....

  7. WOW, This makes complete sense, however, I never thought of it like that! This was very interesting and informative! Thank you, and I hope your son does well!

  8. I can totally relate to what your going through, both my daughters are lactose and tolerant. They both suffered from GERD and I had a hard time with both of them. My oldest now grew out of her acid reflux and now drinks milk. My 2 month old still has it and is a very good spitter as I would say. She suffered from RSV as well. It's hard having a child with problems. I hope all is well and I wanted to let you know that no matter how hard it is, it will always get better.


  9. Cary,
    Great post! I knew there were the common allergic reactions that could happen with milk, but I didn't know milk could make asthma attacks worse or that the allergic reaction could manifest somewhere else. I really enjoyed reading the post and loved the information you provided. I have asthma, which has gone away over the years as I have gotten older, and wish my mom and I would have known about this in the past. Who knows, maybe one of my asthma attacks was triggered by milk and the mucous build-up.

    Thanks for the information,
    Kristen Mummert

  10. Cary, I agree with the others who have commented. This topic was a great one. The stories you share of your children are very powerful, and you have a voice and tone that are sincere and caring toward the reader. A lot of great advice here. Thanks for the post.

  11. Cary,
    This post was very informative. I never realized that a milk allergy could cause all these problems. You did a very good job of explaining all of the complications with a milk allergy. Great Job!

    Melissa Stickney

  12. Wow. I never knew that milk had any link to asthma, but now I do. Very interseting post and best of luck to your lil ones in the future. May they endure good health!! God Bless!!

    Suzanna Harmening
