By Cary Bryson
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise. Can we hear enough about it? If you do not live under a rock, you know that exercise is good for you. You do not have to join an expensive gym or even have fancy workout equipment to exercise. Yet, we still struggle with not getting enough exercise. Exercise does not have to be a “chore”. It is meant to be enjoyable, refreshing, enlightening, and something to look forward to.

- Rake leaves
- Shovel snow
- Wash car
- Mow grass
- Abdominal crunches
- Lunges (across a room)
- Leg lifts
- Jumping jacks
- Hula hoop
- Pushups
We all move around throughout our busy schedules. Try to pay attention to how your body is moving and specific muscles that are being used. For example, I live in a two-story house. I am certain I make 20 trips up and down my stairs daily. I focus on stepping slowly and placing my entire foot on the step for support. Also, I focus on certain backside muscles when stepping. Now, this may sound a little crazy, but it makes me aware of my body’s movements. I have included a video that demonstrates how to exercise at home without any equipment. Please check it out.
The majority of us are not physically ready to run a few miles a day for exercise. Start out with light stretching in the morning and evening. Stretching is an exercise that some of us overlook. Stretching can be done ANYWHERE and you only need your body. First, start by stretching your neck and slowly working your way down to your toes. Stretching at work can clear your mind and eliminate sore muscles from standing or sitting for long periods.
The benefits of a daily exercise routine are endless ( Here are a few for starters:
- Lower blood pressure/cholesterol
- Aids in weight loss
- Decreases risk for osteoporosis
- Increases lung capacity
- Strengthens heart
- Builds muscle
- Decreases stress/anxiety
- Increases circulation
Ask a friend, husband, wife, or your kids to join you when exercising for motivation. Whatever you choose to do, stay consistent! Try to do something every day, even if it is 15 minutes of walking. You will soon find yourself enjoying your body and wanting to do more.
Spring is coming and bicycling is a great form of exercise. If you do not have a bike, borrow one. You can also purchase a used bike from a bike shop. The Schwinn Shop in Indiana has nice used bikes for sale. Go outside! Make time to walk during the week and weekends. Walk when it is raining or snowing. Do not let the elements discourage you. Play Frisbee with someone or play freeze tag with your kids.
Thank you for reading my blog. I hope that my words and tips have encouraged you to come up with your own exercise routine. Get moving for your health, your family, and your state of mind!
ReplyDeleteI like your approach to this subject. Not everyone can afford to join a gym. I like that you give examples of what you can do to get exercise as well as the examples of what exercise can help with. Nice touch with the video.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your blog, something about it made it fun and enjoyable to read! I enjoyed your video as well! Nice Job!
Cary, Great job. I have joined a gym and can never seem to get there, a waste of money. You have inspired me to do more at home in the way of exercise. Thanks for the motivation.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I want to thank you for inspiring me to try using the video you posted as a start off to working out on my own. I realized that working out for 5 minutes, even without exercise equipment, can still be beneficial to a new healthy me. I have really been trying to figure out how I can exercise without going to a gym, without exercise equipment, and I have now found the solution.
I think the information you had was great. I like how you added exercises that can be done at home, such as raking leaves. I don't think most people know that doing things like that can be considered exercising. I like that you added the bicycling information but it kind of came out of nowhere, I wasn’t expecting it. I think it was a good idea, though, to add that you can buy a used bike. I really enjoyed reading about other things to do when the weather gets better, such as playing Frisbee. Overall, I enjoyed reading the information you had and look forward to trying out some of the exercises in the video.
Thanks, Kristen Mummert
ReplyDeleteI like how you provided a video demonstration of what your were explaining, It grabs my attention first. Im glad you provided some quick exercises, I myself don't exercise, I don't really find a need too plus I work full time and have two little ones (that's enough exercise), I find it informational and good ideas.
ReplyDeleteThis was a well written blog with great pictures and videos. You make wonderful points when you said exercise does not have to be a chore. I loved how you listed things such as raking leaves, and shoveling snow as a form of a work out. I wish more people were intune with the healthy side of them. Great job! Keep up the good work.
Kendra McCracken
Hi Cary,
ReplyDeleteI loved this blog post. It was easy to read and seemed fun and energetic. The cartoon was great and the video was like the icing on the cake. OK, maybe that was not the best choice of words considering the topic for this blog. At any rate you did a really good job with this post.
Tina Dull
Hi Cary,
ReplyDeleteThat video reminded me of gym class minus the music. I am glad you included a part where things like shoveling snow are exercise. It will soon be warm and I try to plant a few tomotoes and that makes me want to be outside to water them or just see how they are growing. Having those fresh from the garden tomatoes in August is a treat too. Ruth Hall
ReplyDeleteI agree that many people do not get enough exercise, and the it is very important to exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I like that you gave options of other things to do to exercise besides just going to the gym. I enjoyed your post.
Cassie Gilkey
ReplyDeleteI thought you did a good job summarizing exercising and reviewing the benefits of exercising. I have a couple of suggestions to your post if you are interested though.
#1 In the second paragraph second sentence, I knew what you meant but the wording of it seemed to throw me off. Possibly think of rewording it next time.
#2 After the third paragraph after you said about the video I thought would be a good place to post the video. It would direct users to play the video right after you mention it, maybe getting more people to view it.
#3 The paragraph about spring I liked, but thought it could use a little more work. It could use a better intro sentence. With the sentence you gave it makes it sound like the paragraph is all about bicycles whereas the paragraph was all about the upcoming spring season and exercises you could do outdoors.
#4 Also for more input from other sources you could have listed membership costs and how gym eeuipment can be to try and discourage from paying those prices. I didn't notice much of a works cited or anything so I thought that adding the info on the american heart website and where you got the costs would get you enough to make a tiny works cited section.
As I said earlier, I liked the info and thought you did a good job. Hopefully my input helps you a little bit on the next post.
Rich Jordan
Cary, this was one of the best "blog-style" posts I've seen. There's some real creativity here. I love the cartoon and the video. I wondered where you got some of the info and suggestions, but overall, this was a great post. Nice job.
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone for your kind words. All of these ideas and info came from my head, except the benefits I cited.
ReplyDeleteCary Bryson
Hey Cary,
ReplyDeleteExercise and diet are the keys to good health. And also lowering your stress levels. I never joined a gym because it would never be worth the money and sometimes the people there would intimidate me. I found that exercising at home works best for me. We have some gym equipment, a bunching bag, and some light weights. Good post!!
Suzanna Harmening
ReplyDeleteI always knew exercise was important but you provided great ways to exercise in our daily activities. I was my car a lot but never looked at it as a way of exercising. Now I will focus more on the movements I am making when doing these daily activities to get the most out of them.
Eric Cogovan