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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Crappy to Snappy, A Blog to a Better You!  

 Hello, my name is Mary Beth and I am a student working on a blog project for an Advanced Composition College Course.                                                  
My group will be covering “Crappy to Snappy” a blog to a better you.    
We will be offering blogs that might be of interest to you. Our group will be offering information on Health, Wellness and Remedies. To name a few....
·         The use of herbs and homeopathic remedies                                                     
·         Importance of vitamins and nutritional counseling                             
·         Exploring different types of diets
·         A comparison of local exercise organizations  

I would like to mention a little about myself. I have just turned 50yrs old and I have been presented with an opportunity to fulfill a life-long dream of returning back to school. I have three sons, two step-sons, four grandchildren and the family keeps growing as well as my waistline!  I am tired of gaining 5 pounds every year and looking like a beached whale at the shore every summer! I have never blogged before and I hope that you might consider following me as well as my group as we venture on our journey to better health, wellness and happiness. 
My goal: To loose 25lbs for my son’s wedding in September. I have chosen a dress that is 2 sizes smaller. I plan to try Weight Watchers to see if it offers a convenient, simple, low pressured way to lose weight.  OR I am leaning on trying eating 6 healthy mini meals throughout the day and having a Sunday cheat day.  (Middle son’s diet that actually works for him)
It has been stressed via my medical doctor that in addition to my diet that I will also need to increases my exercise as well. (I would like to mention that before starting any new diet or exercise programs that one should consult their physician to avoid any unhealthy risks.) I will choose my diet and then I will be trying a few local places to see what works best as well as cost effectiveness. I plan on trying a Zumba Class, Jazzercise, Spinning class at YMCA, and Curves.
I have just attended Weight Watchers this past week and enjoyed the class. What I found out is that they have been helping people for more than 40 years. This is done by members learning how to create a foundation for making healthier choices and to increase physical activity into their lives. There are weekly meetings that are the cornerstone for the program.
Currently, there is a new program added that is called a Points Plus program. The values take into account carbohydrates. In addition to fat, fiber and calories found in a food. One learns how to select more nutrient dense foods that will give your body nutrition and helping your feel satisfied.  One gets support with people sharing similar experiences. Each person checks their weight privately.
Meetings are conducted by a trained Meeting Leader who motivates and offers the group support through information about nutrition. I was greeted by friendly people and the atmosphere was peaceful as well as invigorating.  I would also like to add that there are different recipes and stories shared of how members have lost their weight for the week. I am still baffled by something.....I had noticed that the men had lost more weight much faster than the women.
Weight Watchers is offering a special thru March 13th to join for FREE.
With my current school schedule I have found that Weight Watchers meeting day was conflicting with my other classes. In turn, I will be focusing on mini meals for now. I would have loved to have continued to attend Weight Watchers!
I plan on trying the different exercise programs and letting you know about my findings. I must add that I have recently stopped smoking so my heart is not aerobically fit at this time. I will be taking things slowly but I am determined to get this weight off and I will do this. I hope to provide information about the various ways to exercise as to what works the best for me and what doesn’t. I will then continue on my adventure of losing weight and feeling great!
My next goal: To try the Zumba class.  
Thank You for visiting our blog.  I would like to invite you to join along with all of us and encourage your input. We look forward to hearing from you.

*For a meeting near you, call 1 877 WELCOME (935 2663) or visit WeightWatchers.com/findmeeting


  1. I like the way your intoduced yourself and the reason of why you are writing a blog. It's interesting to get to know people and relate to them on certain levels. I see the goals you set for yourself and that's great you have something to keep you going everyday. You sound very strong willed. It was nice to meet you and relate to why you are doing this.


  2. Great job Mary Beth!!
    I like your picture. It is nice to put a face to your writing and you look very happy. Your blog is very motivational for someone who may be experiencing that same things. Good luck. Stay strong.

    Cary Bryson

  3. Ali and Cary,

    Thanks so much for responding to my blog on weight loss. You have made my night. I hope that you will continue to follow me on my journey in hopes that you might benefit from my findings. Thanks Again!

    Mary Beth

  4. I definately love reading about other people's lives...I would call myself nosey...but interested. Good Job Once Again. Look forward to more posts from this site and you as well.


  5. Mary Beth, your lineup of posts is one of the most impressive I've seen. I love that you're going to these different places, and you're going to share your experiences with readers. Your personal connection to this project is also very clear, and I love the story and your humor about the upcoming wedding and your dress. I look forward to your other posts!

  6. Mary Beth,

    I am trying to become healthier and lose weight as well. I can't wait to hear about the different exercise classes. Maybe I'll try one.

    Samantha Cribbs

  7. Great post!! I heard that zumba classes are wonderful. The most important rule to remember is not how much weight you lose, but how much better you feel!

    Suzanna Harmening
