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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Get Movin!!

By Cary Bryson                                                         
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise.  Can we hear enough about it?  If you do not live under a rock, you know that exercise is good for you.  You do not have to join an expensive gym or even have fancy workout equipment to exercise.  Yet, we still struggle with not getting enough exercise.  Exercise does not have to be a “chore”.  It is meant to be enjoyable, refreshing, enlightening, and something to look forward to.
There is nothing more discouraging than joining a gym, with all intentions of working out, and only going a few times a month.  Save your money on memberships and the latest workout equipment.  I am encouraging everyone to devise an exercise routine that fits into your personal lifestyle.  Think about what you like to do as a family, with a friend, or alone that may include exercise.  Listed below are some exercises to try at home without equipment: 
  • Rake leaves
  • Shovel snow
  • Wash car
  • Mow grass
  • Abdominal crunches
  • Lunges (across a room)
  • Leg lifts
  • Jumping jacks
  • Hula hoop
  • Pushups                                   
We all move around throughout our busy schedules.  Try to pay attention to how your body is moving and specific muscles that are being used.  For example, I live in a two-story house.  I am certain I make 20 trips up and down my stairs daily.  I focus on stepping slowly and placing my entire foot on the step for support.  Also, I focus on certain backside muscles when stepping.  Now, this may sound a little crazy, but it makes me aware of my body’s movements.  I have included a video that demonstrates how to exercise at home without any equipment.  Please check it out.
The majority of us are not physically ready to run a few miles a day for exercise. Start out with light stretching in the morning and evening.  Stretching is an exercise that some of us overlook.  Stretching can be done ANYWHERE and you only need your body.  First, start by stretching your neck and slowly working your way down to your toes.  Stretching at work can clear your mind and eliminate sore muscles from standing or sitting for long periods.
The benefits of a daily exercise routine are endless (www.americanheart.org). Here are a few for starters: 
  • Lower blood pressure/cholesterol
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Decreases risk for osteoporosis
  • Increases lung capacity
  • Strengthens heart
  • Builds muscle
  • Decreases stress/anxiety
  • Increases circulation
Ask a friend, husband, wife, or your kids to join you when exercising for motivation.  Whatever you choose to do, stay consistent!  Try to do something every day, even if it is 15 minutes of walking.  You will soon find yourself enjoying your body and wanting to do more. 

Spring is coming and bicycling is a great form of exercise.  If you do not have a bike, borrow one.  You can also purchase a used bike from a bike shop.  The Schwinn Shop in Indiana has nice used bikes for sale.  Go outside!  Make time to walk during the week and weekends.  Walk when it is raining or snowing.  Do not let the elements discourage you.  Play Frisbee with someone or play freeze tag with your kids. 

Thank you for reading my blog.  I hope that my words and tips have encouraged you to come up with your own exercise routine.  Get moving for your health, your family, and your state of mind!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

If there is a will, there's a way!!

Everyone knows that losing weight and doing it the healthy way can be a challenge. I myself have struggled with this over the past few months and have finally found a good balance. I weighed one hundred and seventy eight pounds at eleven fifty nine pm on December 31, 2010. As of ten minutes ago I weighed one hundred and forty nine pounds. The gym has helped me achieve a lot and I think it could work for everybody.
I joined the Northern Blair County Recreational Center on January 3rd, 2011. I started going to the gym every day and pushing myself to the limit. I only consumed about 1200 calories a day. When I lost seven pounds in one week, I thought it would be faster if I started consuming less calories and working out harder. I was borderline anorexic. I only ate when I felt hungry and if I didn't feel hungry in a day I would not eat. On top of not eating I was running six to eight miles everyday. I had no energy at all and lost the first twenty pounds by February. I was pretty sick.
People started getting on my case about my significant weight loss in just only one month. I said there was nothing to worry about until the day I passed out at work from starvation and exhaustion. I admitted to myself then that I had a problem and that I needed to do something about it.
I started eating regularly and only going to the gym three to four times a week. I have only lost ten pounds since then, but I am doing it the healthy way.
What you eat is very important. When dieting you should consume no less than twelve hundred calories a day because if you do it puts your body into starvation mode. Eating things such as vegetables, fruit, and white meats is good for you. When dieting you should stay away from things such as sugar, red meats, cakes, and things fried in oil. The times you eat are also important. You should eat breakfast every morning to jump start your metabolism. Also you are not suppose to eat late because your metabolism slows right before you sleep at night and the more that you have in your stomach the slower it will break down the foods. When working out you should never work the same part of your body two days in a row. Cardio is the best way to loose weight, but toning is very important too. A few different things that you can try at the gym aren the elliptical, the tread mill, weight exercises, medicine balls, and the exercise bike.
Listening to music when you run may also help to pump you up and keep you motivated. My play-list consists of a lot of hip hop, and rap music. My favorite band to listen to when I am running is the Black Eyed Peas. Listening to auditory books can also be relaxing when you are running and working out. It is a great way to let go of stress and to clear your mind. It definitely can make you stronger mentally and physically. I know that I have gained a broader view on a lot of things from taking the time to think about it at the gym. I also know that I have gotten stronger because I can lift more and have built up more endurance.
I have achieved great results from starting this and keeping up with it is the hardest part of it. I love the way the gym has made me feel physically and mentally. I hope that I can keep it up! I have lost nearly thirty pounds and have turned my body into a machine. I am healthy now because I watch what I eat and a workout about an hour every other day.
What I use to eat in a day:
Breakfast croissant 300 calories
Two slices of pizza with ranch 500 calories plus 240
Two hamburgers 600 calories
French fries with ranch dressing 400 calories plus 240 calories
Chips 200 calories
I ate about 2500 calories everyday back in 2010!
What I eat today:
Two eggs and a piece of toast 240 calories
Smart meal such as chicken and potatoes 360 calories
Turkey sub 440 calories
Small salad with light Italian dressing 150 calories
Apple 100 calories
I eat anywhere from to 1200- 1500 calories a day. I run two miles everyday and I do toning. I look and feel great.

By: Kendra McCracken

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

High Cholesterol, I'll Fix That

By: Donald Findley
            Have you ever gone to the doctor and found out that you have high cholesterol, and the first thing the doctor does is write a prescription for some drug or combination of drugs?  This very thing happened to me about a year ago.  To my doctor’s surprise, I ask him about any natural ways of lowering my cholesterol.  Naturally, he said change my diet to a low fat diet, exercise, and take the prescription as ordered.
            When I got home, I did just the opposite of what he told me.  I went on a high protein low carbohydrate diet and never took any of the prescribed medication.  As a nurse, I had always been taught that our body consumes carbohydrates, fats, and then protein as energy sources.  I was determined to lower my cholesterol the natural way.
            My next thing was what herbs and foods could I use to lower my cholesterol and maintain a healthy level of it.  The following are the herbs and food items that I ate on a daily basis.
            Olive oil I would use three tablespoons a day on salads or anywhere else that I would  add some other type of oil or butter.
            Fiber is an excellent way to lower your LDL (low-density lipoprotein) the bad cholesterol. The source that I used was psyllium, a plant found in many over the counter bulk laxative sources.  I also ate vegetables with their skins left on to help increase the fiber I was consuming.  You should always stay well hydrated when increasing the amount of fiber that you consume. It can cause difficulty in having a bowel movement if you do not drink plenty of fluid.

Garlic I would use a whole clove of garlic a day in different foods that I ate.  Garlic is good for decreasing the LDL and increasing HDL (High-density lipoprotein) the  good cholesterol (Mindell, 1991, p.126).

Cayenne also known by capsicum, has been shown to reduce LDL and triglycerides in  a study published in the Journal of Bioscience in 1987.  I took two capsules  everyday one in the morning and one at night.

Shiitake mushrooms I ate this type of mushroom every day because it helps lower the bad cholesterol (Mindell, 1992, p. 159).
I had my cholesterol levels drawn two months later and returned to my doctor to get the results.  My LDL had dropped from 292 down to 148 and my HDL had gone up from 33 to 52.  The doctor said the prescription worked well and that I should continue taking it but at a lower dose.  I laughed and told the doctor that I never even took the medication and informed him of exactly what I did.  He was shocked and said, “No use writing another prescription, I’ll see you in six months.”
Mindell,E (1992). Earl Mindell’s herb bible. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster/ Fireside.
Mindell,E (1991). Earl Mindell’s vitamin bible. New York, NY:Warner Books.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Quest for a Healthier Me…and You?

By:  Samantha

            It is hard for many people, including myself, to share with others the health problems they are suffering from.  Some may not want to be pitied, some may think it is no one else’s business, and some may just be embarrassed by their ailments.  Though there are a wide variety of conditions that any one person could be suffering from, many people have common conditions that they either do not think is common or may not realize they have.  It is important for everyone to know that whatever the issue is that they are dealing with they are not alone.
            Let’s start by discussing my health problems.  At the beginning of my visit with Nutritional Consultant Dan McPherson, I told him the basic problems I have been dealing with.  The two major issues I have are always being tired no matter how much I sleep and a pattern of reddish purple marks all over my body.  I also have a problem with thick discolored toenails.  I know that is something that many people, usually older, have and is caused by a fungus in the nail bed.  To me, that is not only embarrassing, but is also kind of gross.  I have tried different things to cure the toenail issue, but none of them had lasting effects.
            The computerized nutritional assessment showed that my Cardiovascular, Digestive, and Liver/Gallbladder regions were weak.  The nutritional response test showed specific items that could be the cause of the weaknesses.  It was no surprise to find out about the fungus, but I also had a reaction to fragrance/chlorine, chicken/eggs, and dairy products.  Dan stated that I am not necessarily allergic to the food items, but I have trouble digesting them.  Another discovery was a hiatal hernia.  Many people suffer from this even if they are unaware that they have it.  This is caused by an enlargement of a small hole in the back of the diaphragm which allows the esophagus to go from the throat to the stomach.  The result is the stomach working it’s way up into the hole.  There is an exercise you can do to try to correct this problem.

1.      Drink a glass of room temperature or slightly warm water when you first get out of bed in the morning.
2.      While standing, bring your arms straight out from your sides and bend your elbows so that your hands are touching your chest.
3.      Stand up on your toes as high as possible and drop.
4.      Drop down like this ten times in a row.
5.      Then, while standing with your arms up, pant short quick breaths for about fifteen seconds.

The warm water acts like a weight in the stomach.  Being warm, it doesn’t cause the stomach to cramp.  Instead, it relaxes it.  Spreading your arms stretches the diaphragm and opens up that hole in the back.  Dropping down on your heels jerks the stomach out of the hole, and the panting tightens up the diaphragm muscle to close the hole.  This exercise must be done everyday to ensure that the hiatal hernia does not return.
            Dan recommended that I do this exercise daily as well as incorporate more cardio based exercise into my daily routine.  He also recommended that I not eat chicken, eggs, or dairy and wrote down four supplements I should take to promote digestive health and detoxify my body.  These are the recommended supplements and their purpose.

Frontier Cleanse - supports metabolic detoxification, G.I., and Colon
Frontier Biotics - probiotic that supports digestive tract health
Spectrazyme - supports digestive system
CandiBactin BR - supports healthy immune system and detoxification (liver/gallbladder)

I have told every doctor I have ever been to about being tired all the time and not one of them has ever seen it as a serious issue since my blood work always comes back normal.  As for the fungus, a podiatrist just wants to remove your toenails and let them grow back in hopes that the fungus will not return with the new nail.  Also, I had been to four doctors, including a dermatologist, before scheduling an appointment with Dan, and none of them could find a concrete reason for my mystery marks.  With no help from anyone else and my symptoms progressively getting worse, it was comforting to hear someone say “All of these symptoms may be the result of an allergy”.  Though I still have my spots thus far, my toenail fungus is slightly better, and I have more energy with the diet restrictions and daily supplements.  Maybe this will open some eyes to natural cures.  Check out my next blog on April 4, 2011 in which I will be discussing food allergies and how to deal with them as well as a detox diet anyone can benefit from.  Thanks for reading!

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Sunshine Vitamin

By: Suzanna Harmening

Vitamin D Does A Body Good…..Remember as a child how your parents would make you finish that glass of milk with your dinner and how every summer day was spent playing outside.  Well you did not know it then, but you were actually getting your recommended dose of Vitamin D.  With today’s children spending more time indoors and fast foods replacing sit down dinners, it’s important not to neglect your body’s needs for Vitamin D.
Dubbed the “Sunshine Vitamin”, Vitamin D plays an important role in your body’s well being.  It contributes to many of your basic body functions along with helping to ward off potential diseases.  Let me break down exactly how helpful this vitamin is to your body and why you need to maintain adequate levels of it.
§  The major biologic function is to conserve regular blood levels of calcium and phosphorous and aiding in the absorption of calcium for strong bones and healthy teeth.
§  It has lately been proven to boost the immune system against several disorders and diseases such as; the common cold, reducing the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis in women, cancer, and the severity of asthma symptoms.
§  It is significant in assisting the brain’s well being later in life.
§  “D” also could defend our body against any damage from low levels of radiation.
§  Upholding a healthy body weight is also a plus with this vitamin.
Vitamin D can be found in various foods, supplements, and surprisingly right outside your back door.  Studies show that 70% of today’s children are not getting enough Vitamin D into their diet. Most experts agree that 1,000 to 2,000 IU per day is needed for optimum health.  The following is a list of different methods of how to obtain Vitamin D;
ü  Milk
ü  Orange Juice
ü  Soy Drinks
ü  Yogurt
ü  Salmon
ü  Mackerel
ü  Tuna
ü  Sardines
ü  Catfish
ü  Liver
ü  Beef
ü  Eggs
ü  Swiss Cheese
ü  Margarine
ü  Mushrooms
ü  Cod liver oil
ü  Supplements
ü  Sunshine

Sunlight Exposure (full body exposure)

3,000 – 20,000 IU
Salmon (3.5 oz. of fresh, wild salmon)
600 – 1,000 IU
Salmon (3.5 oz. of fresh, farmed salmon)
100 – 250 IU
Fortified Whole Milk, 8-oz. glass
100 IU
Fortified Multi-vitamin
400 IU

Most of us are not aware that 90 % of our Vitamin D needs; can be done naturally through the sun.   It’s true!  Vitamin D is made when ultraviolet rays come in contact with your skin.  And we get the UV rays from sun exposure.  The amount your body needs varies depending on your skin color.  Fair skinned people only need 10 to 15 minutes in direct sunlight without sunscreen.  If your skin is tanner then you need more, 15 to 25 minutes a day.  Dark skin may require up to six times the sun exposure to make the same levels as a fair skinned person. 
So turn off the television put down the cell phones and stop playing on the computer!  Go outside and soak up your dose of Vitamin D.  (And don’t forget your glass of milk with dinner.)

Hope you enjoyed this week’s lesson on the importance of Vitamin D.  Check back on April 1st when I discuss the importance of fish oil.

Nordqvist, Christian. "Medical News Today." What Is Vitamin D? What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin D?. © 2011 MediLexicon International Ltd, 24 Aug 2009 . Web. 16 Mar 2011. <http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/161618.php>.
Holick, MF. Vitamin D Deficiency. New England Journal of Medicine, July 2007

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Juicing.....In with the Good, Out with the Bad

by Cary Bryson

Hello Everyone! Welcome to Juicing 101.  I would like to introduce you to the world of juicing fruits and vegetables as a supplement to your daily diet.  Take a minute to think about how many servings of fruits and vegetable you actually consume in one day.  Are you anywhere near the recommended daily doses?  According to the latest food pyramid, we should focus on fruits and vary our veggies (http://www.mypyramid.gov/).  The average recommended daily serving of fruits are 2-4, and 3-5 for vegetables.

I have been an avid juicer for about 18 months. I love the boost it gives me and my kids like it too.  Like most of us, I was not even near the recommended daily doses for fruits and vegetables.  So I started juicing oranges and grapefruits together in the morning before I had my coffee.  It tastes great, without the high fructose corn syrup and preservatives in the store bought juice.  Eventually, I moved up to juicing 2-3 times a day and experimented with different combinations of fruits and veggies.  After a couple of days I felt better, more energized, and did not crave sweet, sugars, and Coca-Cola (my weakness).  The juice had given me more energy than my 3 cups of coffee!  I could not believe how good I felt.  I was more aware of what I was putting in my body and how my body reacted to certain foods.

There are hundreds of websites available for juicing recipes and how to get started juicing.  Please refer to the websites I have listed below.  Specific recipes can help aid certain ailments.  Arthritis, eczema, weight loss, cataracts, ulcers, all can be subsided by juicing daily (http://www.healingdaily.com/).  This website also gives information on how to safely start a 3, 7, or 10 day juice fast.  I started the 3 day fast last Thursday.  I have always wanting to try a juice fast and I thought it would be helpful with my blog.  I kept a journal during the 3 days.  It was definately a humbling experience and the results were amazing.  I did not realize how much food I actually "snacked" on before I sat down to eat and the leftover food I ate from my children's plates.  Juicing eliminated the late night cravings of sugary and salty foods.  I would definately do a juice cleanse again and receommend it for anyone who wants to feel more energized.  Please consult your family physician prior to participating in a juice cleanse.  Juicing fasts may not be for everyone.

Unnatural, processed foods full of hormones, antibiotics, pesticides fill our bodies.  Over time our bodies cannot self-heal and maintain health.  Our bodies may become overburdened and diseases like cancer may develop (http://www.juicing-for-health.com/). 

Juicing fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to replace a meal.  Juicing allows us to become more focused on our body's wants and needs.  Also, juicing is fun for my children.  They pick out the fruits they want and help me prepare them.  I have two of my favorite recipes that I will share with everyone.  I have given you a small introduction to juicing, please read more about juicing from the websites below.

Apple/Carrot/Ginger                                                    Pear/Carrot/Apple/Lemon
3 carrots/2 apples/1/2 inch ginger root                              1 pear/3 carrots/2 apples/half fresh lemon


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Atkin's Diet!

Many of you know that dieting is not the easiest thing to do for long periods of time.  People get bored with eating the same things over and over.  My little sister weighed 183 pounds just six months ago. She started Atkins and now weighs 146 pounds. She is 12 years old and now, thanks to the weight loss and the Atkins diet, lives a healthy normal lifestyle.

Hunger is controlled through Atkins by eliminating the peaks and valleys of blood sugar levels that stimulate hunger and cause people to over eat.  This is done by restricting the amount of carbohydrates consumed in a day.  People that I know that have used the Atkins diet say they never feel deprived because they eat when they are hungry.  They know that their hunger is a true hunger because their bodies need nourishment and not because they are fulfilling some kind of craving.  They enjoy a large variety of foods and feel that they can live the Atkins lifestyle the rest of their lives.

In Atkins people eat foods high in protein and do not limit their fat intake.  Healthy fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, green beans, cabbage, melons, and berries help to balance the diet. A person on this diet might eat eggs for breakfast, a spinach salad with avocado, bacon bits, and cheese for lunch,  and a steak with broccoli and cantalope for dinner. Low carb bars provide great snacks during the day, as well as low carb shakes.  The dieter eats as much as he/she wants and does not limit the amount of food they eat, just the carbohydrates being consumed. 

Some people may think it is hard to pass up french fries, bread, and potatoes, but within a few days of starting the diet, Atkins followers find they no longer crave these things.  The people I know that have tried Atkins say it is easy!  They can even have dessert as long as it is sugar free.  Even eating out at restaurants can work for those on Atkins. 

I have seen this diet work miracles with my mother and my sister.  They are more confident, happy, and healthy. Even though my mother is at her goal weight she still continues to use this diet because she loves the food! It has more than just the impact of weigh loss on a person's life.  The emotional benefits of finally gaining control of a situation that seemed hopeless are an added benefit to the physical improvements.  To learn more about this diet go to www.Atkin's.com.

By:  Kendra McCracken

Source: My mother, Mary Kay McCracken

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh, My Back!

By Donald Findley 
                Inflammation!  If you live in the northeast especially in the winter you are familiar with what this is, and the pain that comes along with it.  Shoveling snow is one of the main causes of inflammation in the back during the winter.  There is nothing worse than waking up in the morning to ten inches of snow, and having to go out and shovel it before you are able to even go to work.  This is a job all in its own.  However, with just the simplest wrong turn of the back or just lifting without bending your legs you get this shooting pain in your lower back.  You stand up and attempt to stretch it out and most people go to the medicine cabinet for that old standby drug ibuprofen.  This is exactly what happened to me this past week, but I did not take the ibuprofen I chose to go the natural path of healing.  Here is what I did.  I hope it helps you.
            The first thing I did was apply an ointment of arnica (Arnica montana) to my lower back from just above the painful area to just below and off to both sides of the jabbing pain.  This ointment helps with the muscle pain due to the spasm that was occurring, secondary to my foolish lifting with my back rather than my legs.
            I like to use skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora,photograph above) when I am suffering from muscle inflammation like strains it works similar to ibuprofen but works more on inhibiting cyclooxygenase 2 (COX 2)  not COX 1 like ibuprofen.  Cyclooxygenase is an enzyme that causes inflammation. COX 2 is the one that is in the inflamed tissue and COX 1 is more in the gastrointestinal tract (Eustice, 2009, para. 1-2).
            Licorice (Glycyrrhiza globra), also known by the Chinese name of Gan Cao, is an excellent anti-inflammatory herb and has been used for thousands of years to treat arthritis.  It works by making the body produce two different steroids, cortisone and aldosterone, which both help to relieve inflammation in the body naturally (Mindell, 1992, p. 126).  Gan Cao should not be taken by people that suffer from hypertension secondary to the release of the aldosterone, that can raise your blood pressure even higher (p. 127)!
            The final thing that I did was the ice and heat application to the painful area.  You should alternate between the two and only leaving them in place for about 20 minutes at a time, as well as making sure that you have a barrier between the skin and the compress to ensure that it does not cause more harm than good.
            I used the herbs for 2 days, the ice and heat for only the first day, and the pain and discomfort was gone by the end of the second day.  I hope that my experience and treatment helps guide you to a natural way of treating your inflamed back muscles.
Eustice, C. (2009). What you need to know about cyclooxygenase. Retrieved February 25, 2011 from http://osteoarthritis.about.com/od/osteoarthritismedications/a/cyclooxygenase.htm
Mindell,E (1992). Earl Mendell’s herb bible. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster/ Fireside.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Basics of Nutritional Consultation

By:  Samantha

          As you all know, I recently visited a Nutritional Consultant.  His name is Dan McPherson, and he is very personable.  Though my family doctor is a very nice man, he was only checking basic things to find the cause of my ills (blood pressure, blood work, etc.).  It was nice to finally meet someone who listened to what I had to say instead of just going by paperwork.  Just because something does not show up in traditional test results does not mean that there is nothing wrong.  Sometimes we need to step outside of traditional practices to find a solution.
The first step in this process was telling Dan about the problems I have been having.  After jotting down my information, he told me what he expected to see in the tests he would be conducting.  The first test, Electro-Acupuncture Testing (EAV), is somewhat like Acupuncture used by Chinese doctors but is noninvasive.  This test consists of the patient holding a brass cylinder (Ground Electrode) while Dan applies a Point Probe to different points on the patient’s hands and feet.  These points are a way of indicating irritation, inflammation, or weakness in a certain part of the body via energy flow.  Each point is associated with a specific organ or gland.  The Ground Electrode and Point Probe deliver a small amount of electricity, not even felt by the patient, which detects the energy flow.  These devices are connected to a computer which takes the information they provide and turns it into a chart.  This chart, much like a bar graph, shows which regions of the body are not in balance.
          After seeing the results on this chart, Dan then performs a second test called Nutritional Autonomic Response Testing.  This was the most interesting part of the visit.  I was asked to lie on a table (like you would see in a physician’s office) and hold the arm closest to him straight up in the air.  He then pressed gently with one hand on weakened areas, indicated by the chart from the first test, and tried to push my arm down with the other hand while I tried to resist him moving my arm.  When he pressed on a problem area, I could not keep my arm in the air.  It was like some kind of magic trick I could not figure out; I was very surprised.  After finding these areas, he placed on my stomach glass tubes containing substances that may be causing a problem (i.e. parasites, fragrance, fungi, dairy, etc.).  Upon discovery of what substances were trouble makers, he replaced the first set of glass tubes with a second set containing supplements which could correct the weaknesses.
          Knowing what areas of my body were out of balance, what substances may be causing the imbalance, and what supplements may help, Dan wrote a recommendation of supplements he thought I should try.  His recommendation also included the dosage and time of day to take them.  Conveniently, all of these supplements can be found in a store called “Back to Nature” which is in the same complex as Dan’s office.  Though I was not sure what to expect when I first walked into the office, I came out feeling that someone finally validated that there is a reason for the problems I have.  This was an eye-opening experience and I hope that all of you who are suffering will consider nutritional consultation as an option.  To read more about Dan McPherson and his practice, go to http://www.danmcpherson.weebly.com/.  Also, check out my next blog on March 21, 2011 pertaining to my specific ailments and some natural ways to help relieve them.  Please be aware that I will not be able to respond to comments until late March 24, 2011 due to my work schedule.  Thanks for reading!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Vitamin Power

By: Suzanna Harmening                                             
“It’s vitamin time!!”  Every morning I sing these words loudly to my three children.  After breakfast one passes out vitamins to the other two.  They take a chewable Flintstone vitamin, a vitamin C, and a vitamin D chew.  It’s a daily routine that will ensure they are getting the proper nutrition along with their foods. 
Many of us do not get the required amount of vitamins needed due to:
·         Improper diet
·         High stress
·         Improper Digestion
·         Lack of Vitamins in our Current Foods
Food acts as fuel to our body, so if that food does not contain the essential thirteen vitamins that our body needs, then our body will not function to its fullest capacity.  Vitamins are necessary to make molecular reactions happen, once broke down; they help different parts of our body function.  The following is “the big 13” our body needs and their key role:
1.      Vitamin A      This helps promote healthy eye functions, helps ward off bacterial infection, and helps maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails.
2.      Vitamin B1    This is also called thiamine.  It assists in transforming carbohydrates into energy and is essential in the functioning of the nervous system, heart, and muscles.
3.      Vitamin B6     This vitamin helps to ward off many diseases due to its role in the synthesis of antibodies by the immune system.   It benefits the body to form red blood cells, maintains nerve functions, and aids protein intake in the digestive system. 
4.      Vitamin B2     This is also called riboflavin.  It helps with body growth, red cell production, and also helps to release energy into our body from carbohydrates.  
5.      Vitamin B3     This is also called niacin.  This vitamin supports the digestive tract, skin, and nerves.  Once again, it also helps to turn food into energy.
6.      Vitamin B12    This vitamin maintains the central nervous system, the production of red blood cells, and as all B vitamins do, is very critical in metabolism.
7.      Vitamin C       This vitamin helps to boost the immune system, promotes wound healing, healthy teeth and gums, and helps to absorb iron.
8.      Vitamin D       This assists in maintaining adequate levels of phosphorus and calcium, maintains healthy teeth and gums, and helps to absorb calcium.  Recently, Vitamin D was found to aid in the immune system.
9.      Vitamin E       This vitamin is an antioxidant that shields your body tissue against free radicals which damage organs, cells, and tissue.  Also it helps to form red blood cells and enable vitamin K.
10.    Vitamin K      This vitamin plays a very important role in blood clotting, without Vitamin K, blood would not clot.  Also it helps to maintain strong bones.
11.    Folate     Also known as folic acid, it helps to produce red blood cells, and for the synthesis of DNA.  It aids in cell functions and tissue growth, also it helps to increase your appetite and helps to form digestive acids.  Along with vitamin C and B12, folate guides protein to where it is needed and helps the digestive system.   
12.   Panthothenic Acid   This is a vital synthesis of cholesterol and hormones.  Also it is needed for the metabolism of your food. 
13.   Biotin    Just like panthothenic acids, biotin is essential for your metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, also the control of your cholesterol and hormones.  Both biotin and panthothenic acids are a complex of the B vitamin. 

The most desirable way to get your everyday need of required vitamins is to take a daily multivitamin and eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods.  I personally recommend anything from the GNC brand.  They are based right here in the Pittsburgh area and all supplements are made in the U.S.A. by quality ingredients.  By ensuring your proper intake of vitamins and nutrition and along with adequate exercise, you hold the key to infinite immunity.  Here is a link to the basic guidelines to vitamins:   http://www.vitaminsupplementsguide.com/ . It’s your body, treat it like a temple!!
Check back on March 18th when we learn the importance of Vitamin D and how effective it is for your immune system.  

Chong, Danial. "The 13 Essential Vitamins." Vitamin Conversation. Renaissance Associates, Inc., 2008. Web. 1 Mar 2011. <http://www.vitaminconversation.com/vitamins-E1.html>.