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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Juicing.....In with the Good, Out with the Bad

by Cary Bryson

Hello Everyone! Welcome to Juicing 101.  I would like to introduce you to the world of juicing fruits and vegetables as a supplement to your daily diet.  Take a minute to think about how many servings of fruits and vegetable you actually consume in one day.  Are you anywhere near the recommended daily doses?  According to the latest food pyramid, we should focus on fruits and vary our veggies (http://www.mypyramid.gov/).  The average recommended daily serving of fruits are 2-4, and 3-5 for vegetables.

I have been an avid juicer for about 18 months. I love the boost it gives me and my kids like it too.  Like most of us, I was not even near the recommended daily doses for fruits and vegetables.  So I started juicing oranges and grapefruits together in the morning before I had my coffee.  It tastes great, without the high fructose corn syrup and preservatives in the store bought juice.  Eventually, I moved up to juicing 2-3 times a day and experimented with different combinations of fruits and veggies.  After a couple of days I felt better, more energized, and did not crave sweet, sugars, and Coca-Cola (my weakness).  The juice had given me more energy than my 3 cups of coffee!  I could not believe how good I felt.  I was more aware of what I was putting in my body and how my body reacted to certain foods.

There are hundreds of websites available for juicing recipes and how to get started juicing.  Please refer to the websites I have listed below.  Specific recipes can help aid certain ailments.  Arthritis, eczema, weight loss, cataracts, ulcers, all can be subsided by juicing daily (http://www.healingdaily.com/).  This website also gives information on how to safely start a 3, 7, or 10 day juice fast.  I started the 3 day fast last Thursday.  I have always wanting to try a juice fast and I thought it would be helpful with my blog.  I kept a journal during the 3 days.  It was definately a humbling experience and the results were amazing.  I did not realize how much food I actually "snacked" on before I sat down to eat and the leftover food I ate from my children's plates.  Juicing eliminated the late night cravings of sugary and salty foods.  I would definately do a juice cleanse again and receommend it for anyone who wants to feel more energized.  Please consult your family physician prior to participating in a juice cleanse.  Juicing fasts may not be for everyone.

Unnatural, processed foods full of hormones, antibiotics, pesticides fill our bodies.  Over time our bodies cannot self-heal and maintain health.  Our bodies may become overburdened and diseases like cancer may develop (http://www.juicing-for-health.com/). 

Juicing fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to replace a meal.  Juicing allows us to become more focused on our body's wants and needs.  Also, juicing is fun for my children.  They pick out the fruits they want and help me prepare them.  I have two of my favorite recipes that I will share with everyone.  I have given you a small introduction to juicing, please read more about juicing from the websites below.

Apple/Carrot/Ginger                                                    Pear/Carrot/Apple/Lemon
3 carrots/2 apples/1/2 inch ginger root                              1 pear/3 carrots/2 apples/half fresh lemon



  1. Cary,
    Great topic and blog I went and got a smoothie maker to try this out. I never attempted to make any of these before and can't wait to see what combinations taste the best. The video would not play kept coming up with an error.
    Don Findley

  2. Cary,
    I got an error when I tried to play the video as well. Very interesting topic. It makes me want to try juicing. Nice job.

  3. Thanks you both for your input. I know the video is not working. Sorry.


  4. Cary,

    thanks for sharing the information on juicing. I wasn't aware that it would give you that much energy. I definately want to try this versus energy drinks that I drink everyday. My daughter drinks a lot of juice, maybe i'll try this to avoid all the sugar intake. nice job. good ideas.


  5. Cary

    I got one of those juice machines from The JuiceMan sometime ago and I tried a three day juice diet. I remember feeling really weak but I still use my blender to juice pineapple or mango mostly. It is easier than trying to chew it. Ruth Hall

  6. Cary,
    I love the post! Great job! I really enjoyed the information you provided. I have been trying to get the recommended servings of fruits and veggies and find it hard to eat them alone. Juicing is a great way to get the nutrients and vitamins from fruits and veggies. Plus, it sounds a lot better than trying to cram everything into a smoothie with milk or cream.

    The length was perfect on the actual post. The one thing I would have added is possibly how you juice, what kind of juicer do you use? Do you use a machine or something different? You could have also possibly added some prices for different juicers, etc. Other than that, I loved the idea and might give the 3 day juice fast a try! Thanks!

    Kristen Mummert

  7. Cary, I thought Kristen had some really great suggestions. I'm unfamiliar with juicing, and so I had a few stupid questions too. I wanted to know more about the recipes. Do you peel the carrots and fruits? I'm assuming you do, but I don't know. This is a great topic, and I appreciate your personal experience and your belief in juicing. I think I'll give it a try. Why not? We all want to be healthier, right! Nice job.

  8. Thank you everyone for reading and for suggestions. I do not peel my carrots/apples, that is where all of the nutrients are. Citrus fruits must be peeled though. I added the links to explain all of that, because there is so much information on it. I have a Jack Lallane juicer $99 bucks it is fast and quiet. Thank you again.

    Cary Bryson

  9. Cary,
    My family and I enjoy our fruit smoothies we make in our blender. But maybe we will give juicing a try. My kids would enjoy trying various recipes.

    Suzanna Harmening

  10. I really liked this blog, I never thought about trying to 'juice' anything, but seeing that there are different juicing antidotes makes me want to give it a taste. My son has really bad eczema so I wonder if it would work for him!

  11. Cary,
    I have heard about juicing but never thought to much about it. You provided a great amount of information on juicing and it seems like something worth trying.
    Eric Cogovan

  12. Thanks for the information, we will add this story to our blog, as we have a audience in this sector that loves reading like this”

