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Monday, March 21, 2011

Quest for a Healthier Me…and You?

By:  Samantha

            It is hard for many people, including myself, to share with others the health problems they are suffering from.  Some may not want to be pitied, some may think it is no one else’s business, and some may just be embarrassed by their ailments.  Though there are a wide variety of conditions that any one person could be suffering from, many people have common conditions that they either do not think is common or may not realize they have.  It is important for everyone to know that whatever the issue is that they are dealing with they are not alone.
            Let’s start by discussing my health problems.  At the beginning of my visit with Nutritional Consultant Dan McPherson, I told him the basic problems I have been dealing with.  The two major issues I have are always being tired no matter how much I sleep and a pattern of reddish purple marks all over my body.  I also have a problem with thick discolored toenails.  I know that is something that many people, usually older, have and is caused by a fungus in the nail bed.  To me, that is not only embarrassing, but is also kind of gross.  I have tried different things to cure the toenail issue, but none of them had lasting effects.
            The computerized nutritional assessment showed that my Cardiovascular, Digestive, and Liver/Gallbladder regions were weak.  The nutritional response test showed specific items that could be the cause of the weaknesses.  It was no surprise to find out about the fungus, but I also had a reaction to fragrance/chlorine, chicken/eggs, and dairy products.  Dan stated that I am not necessarily allergic to the food items, but I have trouble digesting them.  Another discovery was a hiatal hernia.  Many people suffer from this even if they are unaware that they have it.  This is caused by an enlargement of a small hole in the back of the diaphragm which allows the esophagus to go from the throat to the stomach.  The result is the stomach working it’s way up into the hole.  There is an exercise you can do to try to correct this problem.

1.      Drink a glass of room temperature or slightly warm water when you first get out of bed in the morning.
2.      While standing, bring your arms straight out from your sides and bend your elbows so that your hands are touching your chest.
3.      Stand up on your toes as high as possible and drop.
4.      Drop down like this ten times in a row.
5.      Then, while standing with your arms up, pant short quick breaths for about fifteen seconds.

The warm water acts like a weight in the stomach.  Being warm, it doesn’t cause the stomach to cramp.  Instead, it relaxes it.  Spreading your arms stretches the diaphragm and opens up that hole in the back.  Dropping down on your heels jerks the stomach out of the hole, and the panting tightens up the diaphragm muscle to close the hole.  This exercise must be done everyday to ensure that the hiatal hernia does not return.
            Dan recommended that I do this exercise daily as well as incorporate more cardio based exercise into my daily routine.  He also recommended that I not eat chicken, eggs, or dairy and wrote down four supplements I should take to promote digestive health and detoxify my body.  These are the recommended supplements and their purpose.

Frontier Cleanse - supports metabolic detoxification, G.I., and Colon
Frontier Biotics - probiotic that supports digestive tract health
Spectrazyme - supports digestive system
CandiBactin BR - supports healthy immune system and detoxification (liver/gallbladder)

I have told every doctor I have ever been to about being tired all the time and not one of them has ever seen it as a serious issue since my blood work always comes back normal.  As for the fungus, a podiatrist just wants to remove your toenails and let them grow back in hopes that the fungus will not return with the new nail.  Also, I had been to four doctors, including a dermatologist, before scheduling an appointment with Dan, and none of them could find a concrete reason for my mystery marks.  With no help from anyone else and my symptoms progressively getting worse, it was comforting to hear someone say “All of these symptoms may be the result of an allergy”.  Though I still have my spots thus far, my toenail fungus is slightly better, and I have more energy with the diet restrictions and daily supplements.  Maybe this will open some eyes to natural cures.  Check out my next blog on April 4, 2011 in which I will be discussing food allergies and how to deal with them as well as a detox diet anyone can benefit from.  Thanks for reading!


  1. Samantha,
    This blog is very informative. I agree that most people do not want to talk about their health problems or conditions. I work at a hospital and the patients do not want to discuss conditions because they find it embarrassing. I feel that with openness people will find it easier to talk about their problems and conditions. Great post!

    Melissa Stickney

  2. Samantha,
    Thank youfor sharing your information. I have a coworker who also is trying the "allergy diet". Shoe looks better, she feels better and she is a happier person. She says that it is all due to "getting the bad toxins" out of her body
    Christina Chinchock

  3. Samantha,
    Great information! I didn't know about the exercise to reduce the hernia. I have also found that doctors look at numbers rather than the patient and that is wrong. Numbers on a lab should only be part of the information and care should not be based just on those numbers. Care should be focused on the patient.

    Don Findley

  4. Samantha,

    Good job! I am glad that you pursued a natural way of curing your body. So many people take what doctors say as a final answer and live with their ailments. I am glad to hear that you are less tired. That makes life a little easier. I like your writing style. It is easy to follow. Cannot wait to read about your detox diet on the 4th?

    Cary Bryson

  5. Hi Samantha
    Thank you for sharing this information;it must be difficult to talk about this kind of thing. I am glad you are at least finding so answers that work.

    Ruth Hall

  6. Samantha,
    Wonderful post! Thanks for opening up and sharing with us your personal information. I think I may have to take a trip to the allergy dr.

    Suzanna Harmening

  7. Missy,

    It is difficult to be open, but the more people open up and talk about things, the more they see that it's not as big of a deal as they thought. Thanks for the feedback.


  8. Christina,

    I'm glad to hear your friend is doing better. A lot of detox products are advertised, you just have to find what works for you. Thanks for the feedback.


  9. Don,

    You are SO right about that. I work with individuals with special needs and I see this all the time. It's aggrevating whether it's them or me being treated like I'm just a bunch of numbers. Thanks for your input.


  10. Cary,

    Thanks for the complements. It's hard to just take what the doctor says when you know that something isn't right. I would encourage anyone to seek out any kind of help before they just "deal with it".


  11. Ruth,

    It is difficult because I know a lot of people will be reading this, but I feel that people knowing they aren't the only ones who have the problems they have is more important than being embarrassed. Thanks for the feedback.


  12. Suzanna,

    I would recommend this to anyone. Not only might you find out something about yourself that you didn't know, but it's just fascinating. Thanks for the feedback.


  13. Samantha,
    Very informative information. Thanks for sharing, andI hope everything works out!
    Alisha O.

  14. Alisha,
    I hope so, too. Thanks for the feedback.

  15. Samantha,
    I just love this blog! I have shared it with my co-workers at the hospital and we all have thought it was great! It is something so simple that you would think more people would know about, but they dont! Thanks for sharing!

  16. I think this is a great blog. I work with someone who has many illnesses that she says she can not get medication for. I will have to have her check out this blog to see if it can help her with any of her problems. It really is amazing what your body can do to keep itself healthy and alliveate pain. Great infotmation. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    Kendra McCracken

  17. Alisha and Katie,
    I'm glad you could share this with others so that they might benefit from it. Thanks for your interest.

  18. Samantha, great job at responding to comments here. As for the post, I appreciated your candidness with the ailments, and I was intrigued by how they were diagnosed and treated. However, I had a hard time following where the treatments came in for each ailment. This alternative to the doctor's office is very interesting stuff though. I look forward to your next post.

  19. Tamara,
    Dan chose the supplements he recommended because they were the ones that I had a positive reaction to during the Nutritional Response Test. Since poor digestion and unwanted toxins are my weak areas, he recommeded supplements that would help with digestion and detox my body. Sorry if it was confusing, but thank you for the feedback.

  20. Samantha,
    It was great to hear about your personal issues and how to fix them. We all have issues we do not discuss and also may not even look at as major issues. Just another reason to realize these things so that we can be the healthiest we can be.
    Eric Cogovan

  21. Sam,
    I thought it was awesome how you put yourself out there and had the courage to share some personal information about yourself. Let me just say, you are so right. So many people are either ashamed or simply deny the problems they live with daily. I am always curious to learn more about alternative treatments to medication for common ailments. Like you, I have struggled with tiredness, the funky toenails, and mild digestion issues. It's great to know that I'm not alone. I look forward to reading your blogs! Keep me posted on the effectiveness of your natural approaches to better health!

  22. Eric,
    Thank you for the feedback. I hope that by letting everyone read about my issues they will think more about doing something about their own.

  23. Alicia,
    I'm sorry to hear that you have had the same sort of problems that I have, but at the same time, I'm glad I'm not alone! Thanks for the feedback.
