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Friday, April 1, 2011

Is There Really a Cure for Almost Everything?

  By:  Suzanna Harmening
Fish oil-the cure all supplement?  True, nothing can cure all, but fish oil comes pretty darn close.  I started to take a daily fish oil supplement a few months ago to support my health. My husband has sworn by it for years and will continue to be an advocate for fish oil.  We have turned our family and friends on to it and hopefully you as well, by the end of this blog.
Where do I begin to inform you of the healing power that lies in our oceans and lakes?  Cod, salmon, tuna, shark, and mackerel are the most common fish that are used to produce this miracle supplement.  Fish oil is derived from the tissues of oily fish that contains DHA and EPA.  Docosahexaenoic acid known as DHA is a type of omega-3 fatty acid that provides the most benefits for the brain, heart, and body health.  Eicosapentaenoic acid known as EPA is also an omega-3 fatty acid that aids in the functioning of the brain, heart, and body.  Below are the some of the many reasons why you should include fish oil in your daily intake of nutrition. 
Brain Food     Our brain’s structure is made up of 60 % fat and for our brain cells to function properly, a diet rich in omega-3 fats is vital.  Fish oil is extremely important for a pregnant woman to consume for the proper development of the unborn child’s brain and eyes.     www.naturalnews.com/016353.html 
Heart Disease     Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of untimely death in the world.  Omega-3 fatty acids have an effect on the blood platelets that make them less sticky and help to protect the arteries’ linings.  Studies show that people who consume fish or fish oil supplements on a regular basis have less of a chance developing heart disease.  www.healthyomega3.com/fish-oil-heart-disease/
Eyes     Fish oil is known to significantly reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.  60 percent of the retina contains DHA, so adding in daily intake of DHA would greatly reduce your risk of cultivating macular degeneration.  www.eyedoctorguide.com/eye_vitamin_nutrition/fish_oil_for_eyes.html
Blood Pressure     Studies have shown that people with high blood pressure have seen a decrease in their blood pressure.  Omega-3 fatty acids can expand blood vessels and bring down the blood pressure level.    www.mind1st.co.uk/fish-oil-blood-pressure.asp  
High Cholesterol    Fish oil can reduce the incidence of heart disease by lowering your triglyceride levels and raising the levels of HDL.  They prevent the buildup of triglycerides, encourage the development of high density lipoproteins, and help to prevent harmful blood clotting.     www.oilofpisces.com/cholesterol.html   
Arthritis     Omega-3’s are effective in reducing the symptoms and pain of arthritis.  Joint tenderness and morning stiffness was shown to decrease with a daily intake of fish oil supplements.     www.healthyomega3.com/fish-oil-for-arthritis/
Weight Loss     Fish oil improves the efficacy of exercise in reducing weight.  Studies show that taking fish oil daily and exercising helps to lose weight better than those exercising without taking fish oil.  It also makes you less hungry by increasing the hormone levels of leptin to make you feel full for longer periods of time. www.thefactsaboutfitness.com/news/foildm.htm
Depression & Anxiety     The common disorders of depression, anxiety, sadness, restlessness, stress, decrease sexual drive, mental fatigue, suicidal thoughts, and other mental disorders can be relieved by taking omega-3’s.  It acts as a mood stabilizer by helping to maintain proper functioning of dopamine and serotonin levels.  www.easycalm.com/Anxiety-and-Fish-Oil.htm
Immunity/Anti-aging     It is believed that fish oil increases your immunity by enabling your body to resist such diseases as the common cold, flu, cough, lupus, certain cancers, heart disease, and others.  It is also thought that it helps with anti-aging by increasing the lifespan of cells.  www.topantiagingtips.com/fish.html
And Everything Else     There are many, many more benefits for taking fish oil such as;
§  Relieves menstrual pain, improves circulation
§  Slows osteoporosis and atherosclerosis, reduces inflammation
§  Prevents Alzheimer’s, treats ADD and ADHD
§  Treats acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes, and maintains healthy skin, hair, and nails
§  May prevent cancer, tumors, peptic ulcers
§  Safe for kids and pets as well
After reading everything that fish oil can treat or prevent; are you ready to add it into your daily nutrition?  Of course you are! So how do you know what amount is right for you?  You should always consult your doctor first, but to give you an idea click on the link to find the right dose.  www.omegavia.com/how-much-fish-oil-should-i-take/  I personally cannot swallow pills well, so I prefer the omega-3 squeeze that just squeezes into your mouth or into a drink similar to a ketchup packet.  It is called Coromega omega-3 squeeze and its orange citrus flavored.  Taking your fish oil right after a meal helps to eliminate any fishy burps that you may have heard about. 
Come back on April 15th when I discuss the supplements needed to maintain healthy joints and ease joint pain.


  1. I think there is. Proper nutrition is always the answer to that question. Thanks a lot for sharing your insights. Buy Vega to maintain your diet.

  2. Hello Suzanna,

    I like it! You have great information. It was easy to following. I like how you thoroughly listed the benefits. I have been taking Fish Oil for a few years and I swear by it. There is a capsule form available at any grocery store with coconut oil to mask the fishy taste/smell. Don't know if they make it in the paste form? I like how you added the website to make sure of the proper dose.

    Cary Bryson

  3. Suzanna,

    I enjoyed your blog post, I didn't know there were so many rememedies. I am not really a person who tried things like this, it's easier just to go to the doctor but for people who don't have health insurance or don't want to go to the doctor, this is right for them. Good Job


  4. Suzanna,
    This is very interesting information. I have heard that fish oil is good for you, but I never knew all of the things that it can help with. Nice job.

  5. Suzanna,
    This was really good information. I knew fish oil was good for you, but I didn't realize all of the good it could do. I also know it is good for a dog's coat, it hels keep it shiny.
    I think the information you had was very well put together and easy to understand and follow. I like that instead of cramming all the good things about fish oil into one paragraph, you listed them individually. I also like that you put you source right after. I also think it was a good idea that you added there is a squeeze fish oil if you can't swallow pills.

    Thanks for the information!
    Kristen Mummert

  6. Suzzana,
    This information is very helpful! It shows how important it is to keep up on your health. I did not know fish oil was good for you but now that I know maybe its time I should start taking some to stay healthy. All of the information was so useful it was a very good topic and great information.
    Eric Cogovan

  7. Suzanna,
    Wow! I never realized how many things that fish oil/Omega 3 can do. I always thought that it helped with constipation. lol I would have never been trying it. You have encouraged me to check out a bottle or two and give it a try. You have provided alot helpful information and have done a great job in explaining all of the benefits of taking these products.

  8. Great blog! My mom has been taking fish oil everyday for years, and I always thought it was gross because she took the actual 'oil' in what looked like ketchup packets. I know there are pills now, and I've been wanting to try and see if I felt a difference in my overall health. After reading this blog, I think i just might! Thanks for the info!

  9. Hi Suzanna,
    I think once upon a time mothers would give their children cod liver oil for different ailments. I started taking vitamin C again;my mom perscribed it for a range of different things including colds. I may try and add fish oil to my list of vitamins. I have taken cod liver oil in the past in the oil form, not tasty. Ruth Hall

  10. Thanks Cary and Ali,
    I'm glad that you enjoyed the post. I will have to check out the other fish oil you mentioned Cary. I agree Ali, most people will just take the meds because most doctors will not prescribe herbs and supplements.

    Suzanna Harmening

  11. Samantha and Kristen,
    Thanks for the positive feedback!! Fish oil is available is various forms. You can absolutely use it for your pets. Their coat will stay shiny and smooth. Thank you!!

    Suzanna Harmening

  12. Suzanna,
    I love fish oil supplements not only for my selfa nd my husband but also for my dog! It has so many benefits to it for all of us.
    My dogs coat is shiny, soft and she does not seem to be as stiff in the morning either. She also has a a heart issues. Studies have shown that certain supplements, omega 3 fatty acids being one of them, can improve her heart issue. Not cure but help her live her more quality of life.
    Great job and thanks for being a wonderful advocate of a great supplement.
    Christina Chinchock

  13. Suzanna,
    Good blog! Good information, it flowed very well. I hope a lot of people read this blog.
    Don Findley

  14. Suzanna,
    I never knew fish oil had so many benefits. Your info definitly makes me want to start taking it daily. Your blog was well written and contains alot of good info. Good job!!
    Melissa Kelly

  15. I'm glad that I could inform so many of the benefits of omega-3. It was my goal to educate on the importance of adding fish oil into your diets. I personally have felt a change in my overall health as a result of adding it into my nutrition!! Thanks for all the kind comments!!

    Suzanna Harmening

  16. Suzanna, this is another great blog. Not only do you share quality information, but you have an enthusiasm for the topic that is contagious. Also, you keep readers coming back by previewing your next blog. Great tactic.
